
The best hack for building your website when you’re tech-intolerant

Emily Betts
October 1, 2024
5 min read

If tech feels like the bane of your existence yet you’re painfully aware of how much good a website could do to elevate your brand, increase your credibility, and boost your business, you’ve come to the right place. 

Grab a coffee and let’s chat because I promise you that the days of having to be a tech guru to build yourself a website that looks visually stunning while being fully functional, are long gone.

In fact, the days of having to have an unlimited budget, a keen eye for design, coding skills that rival Bill Gates and hours of spare time to create a website are long gone too. 

All because of the system that I like to call the Canva of Website design.


More specifically, Showit templates. 

So take a deep breath and a sip of that coffee and let me explain how Showit templates are going to change your business.

The ultimate website-building hack

The biggest reason I'm such a big fan of Showit is that it gives so many businesses the capability to have a website that truly reflects the quality of the services they provide and the incredible business that they have built.

But the real feature that makes Showit stand out is the incredible templates they have available (including the ones that I’ve created which you can check out here). 

All of Showit’s templates are drag and drop which takes out all of the guesswork when it comes to building and designing a website that is functionally intuitive while being visually stunning.

All you have to do is add your own colours and pictures, pop in your copy, and voila! You have a website!

So if you've been wanting to create a website but feel like you don't have the time or technical know-how to build one yourself, or the budget to have a custom website created for you, here’s why my Showit Templates are your new best friend.

They’re completely customisable

Even though they’re templates, you have full creative freedom when editing them.  Not only can change the fonts, colours and images to align with your branding, but also the structure too. 

And with an entire template behind you, you'll have plenty of design inspiration to draw from so you don't have to worry about creatively starting from scratch. You can alter sections or add sections that you’ve created yourself or have simply copied from other sections of the website!

With a fully built base and a whole load of inspiration, design becomes a whole load easier. 

No coding required 

Remember when I said you didn't need the coding ability of Bill Gates in order to build a website? I meant it.

The beauty of Showit is that it's a no-code, drag-and-drop website builder meaning you can easily move elements around, add in different sections and create designs that are totally unique to your business without having to use a single bit of code. 

Responsive website design 

One thing that is incredibly important when it comes to designing a website in this day and age when everyone is chronically on their phones (guilty) is that you make sure your website looks as good and functions just as well when it’s viewed on mobile as it does when viewed on a desktop.

Each of my templates comes with a fully optimised mobile version of the desktop website and with Showits design set up, you can fully customise both views easily.

This will save you hours upon hours of time trying to redesign your desktop site to make sure it’s optimised on mobile too. 

Mini-course included 

Even though Showit has been designed to make building your website feel so much easier I know that when you truly feel tech-phobic, even opening a new software can feel a bit overwhelming.

This is why whenever you purchase one of my Showit Templates you get my Showit mini-course included (which I continuously update!).  This also includes template-specific instructions so your new website can be up in running in a matter of HOURS.

Yep. You can have a new website up and running in a matter of hours.

So if you are ready to easily create a website that does your business justice and doesn't require hours of stress or time, you can browse my Showit templates here!

If you have any questions feel free to send me an email at

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